

(Originally published August, 2016)

Welcome! DineDrinkBellingham.com is a web-based, dining and drinking resource that covers the greater Bellingham area. The website includes a feature magazine focusing on food or beverage related topics and a geo-map based directory of local dining or drinking establishment.

LogoFinalRedOriginal_dropshadow_250_200Our magazine discusses dining and drinking related themes, with timely and informative articles about local establishments and happenings. Our articles will pay special attention to the human element, and discuss the people behind the the places and events.

Our directory provides up-to-date listings of restaurants, bars, taverns, mobile food trucks, and specialty food shops. One of our Twitter feeds, “The Food Truck Finder” provides a daily, comprehensive guide to the locations of the region’s wide variety of mobile food vendors (@FoodTruckBham).

Eventually we will expand the scope of the site to include a directory of upcoming food/beverage-themed events, and directory listings for the surrounding region.

We are a relativity young business, but are growing every day. Like any new business, we are experiencing growing pains, but learning all the time. Please forgive us if we’ve missed some information in your listing, or you find a glitch in our website. We are counting on you, our community, to help us to grow and evolve.


We are a community-oriented organization, with long-time roots in Bellingham. We support the vibrant communities found here by encouraging and promoting a vibrant food, beverage, and event industry through our magazine, directory, event listings, workshops, and events.

While our primary goal is to be the go-to dining and drinking resource for Bellingham and the surrounding area, we are also founded around the principal that socially conscious businesses are an integral part of a broad coalition of partners that can work to improve the quality of life for the region’s people, organizations, and businesses. We actively work as advocates to that end.

We also strongly believe that diversity in humankind is a strength; and support the idea that access to food, shelter, health care, and basic education including digital literacy skills, are basic human rights.

As our publication evolves, we will devote part of our efforts and resources working to help support those who are at-risk or those who are without adequate food or shelter. We also are actively involved in supporting greater access to education for all as one manner in which we can help ensure a better economic future for all.

Moving forward, we intend to donate our time, plus one-hundred percent of any additional revenue after operating expenses, supporting this advocacy work.

The DDB Team

We are a small group of people who live here, love here, and love to live here. We value the sense of community found in the area, and consider ourselves an integral part of it. We enjoy the benefits the region provides, and are involved many indoor and outdoor activities, including taking advantage of the vibrant dining, drinking, and art options found here.

Mt-Baker_400_267Creating DDB is hard work, but also a labor of love. It allows us to participate in, contribute to, and benefit from living in the region.

We are fortunate in that our business allows us to, even forces us to, experience the area’s dining and drinking establishments on a regular basis (oh, the pain)!

We are a dedicated to discovering the broad variety of dining and drinking establishments, unique cafes, breweries, specialty shops and bakeries, and then sharing them with you. We keep you informed you with timely news and feature articles in our blog, and keep you updated with upcoming food-related events.

We look forward to hearing from you, meeting you, and hearing your feedback. Thank you for your patience while we develop this site into Bellingham’s favorite dining and drinking resource!

Team Members

marcpirateChief Editor and Creative Visionary, Marc Ravaris, aka Cap’n Cook. A resurrected pirate-captain, Marc navigates the sometimes murky waters of balancing vision, technology, and manageable implementation at DDB. Marc can oft be found aboard his flagship, the SV Rhapsody, or at late-night haunts in the misty seaport of Bellingham.

kathryn-bio-pic-croppedFounding member, Kathryn G., aka StreetTooth was a great inspiration during her tenure at DDB. In addition to writing feature articles, Kathryn, wrote two regularly appearing columns, “The Chef’s Recipe” and the “Featured Market Vendor”,  two features which we intend to bring back. A 2014 WWU grad and Washington native, Kathryn has moved on to other endeavors. We wish her all the best moving forward.