April’s Featured Farmers Market Stall: Misty Meadows Farm


The newest addition to the vendors at the Bellingham Saturday Farmer’s Market (now open for the season) is Misty Meadows, a local family farm that began production just over a decade ago. In addition to their delightfully fresh eggs, they sell chicken meat, chicken stock and turkey. Compost will also be up for sale in the near future.

Melissa Moeller and her son Matthew were holding down the fort last Saturday when they graciously allowed me to ask them a few questions between customers. Misty Meadows Eggs

I asked about the history of Misty Meadows. Melissa said that in 2004 she heard 2-acre plot would to produce enough vegetables to sustain a family of four. Inspired, they moved from Bellingham out to Everson with exactly that goal in mind.

The land they purchased came with three chickens, just what they needed for a dozen eggs per week. The following year, in a fit of ambition, the family successfully added 100 more chickens. Year after year Melissa declares they need no more chickens – yet they end up with more nonetheless. The farm now boasts hundreds of chickens!

Melissa and her husband Mark own the farm, but Melissa described her three children as an integral part of the business. She wanted her children to grow up connected with nature and with a strong work ethic. “With a farm,” she explains, “it’s not like other parts of life where you can put things off. There’s no procrastination. You gotta do it.”

Matthew’s work ethic shines through in his determination to manage the farmers market gig. His motivation to get involved is the reason Misty Meadows is the new stall on the block. Melissa is excited and supportive—she loves the community atmosphere at the market, and they are happy to be the newest members.

Misty Meadows SignWith their fresh eggs, meat, chicken stock and genuine smiles, you can be sure that the Misty Meadows family will flourish at the community market.

The Bellingham Farmer’s Market, (recently listed in Sunset magazine as number one in the top ten farmer’s markets in the west) is once again open weekly at the downtown Depot Market Square, Saturdays from 10am to 3pm.


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In addition to writing feature articles, Kathryn, aka StreetTooth, writes two regularly appearing columns, "The Cook's Recipe" and the "Featured Market Vendor". She's a 2014 WWU grad and Washington native. When she's not out looking for a new spot to eat, enjoying a beverage or writing for DDB, you'll find her reading a book, thrashing on her drums, or exploring the beauty of the Northwest running, hiking, or biking.