DDB Daily Food Truck Finder


Food Truck Bham is Dine Drink Bellingham’s Twitter Feed UPDATED DAILY that provides the current location of mobile food vendors. We have moved it to its new handle, now found @FoodTruckBham, or online at https://twitter.com/FoodTruckBham.

Follow this feed if you want to know where your favorite mobile vendor is located. If you are visiting Bellingham, unfamiliar with the area, and want to locate our fine selection of food trucks, follow this feed. This feed will not be cluttered by anything else – no retweets or replies – just food truck locations.

From now on, we will use the original feed, @dinedrinkbham, for general DineDrinkBellingham Tweets. Follow us there for news, tips, specials, and events. See an aggregate of both of our Twitter feeds here.