Heavy Metal and Recipes? Making Shepherd’s Pie with Vocalist Linzey Rae


In a world that wants “nothing more than potatoes mashed” and overwhelmed by media to the point of fatigue, one technique to cut through the noise and get your message heard is to present traditional information in a new, different, or more engaging manner. A case in point is Linzey Rae, who in addition to being a cook, is the vocalist and front-woman in a heavy-metal band called The Anchor.

The power in this multi-talented young lady’s voice is impressive. And yes, that is her singing.

We came across one of her latest videos on Grub Street, and couldn’t help but be impressed with her approach to cooking the classic recipe, Shepherd’s Pie. The music behind the recipes are covers, in this recipe the song is from a band called The Ghost InsideThe Anchor lays down the background music and Linzey adds her own vocalization of the recipes

In this, the first of four video recipes in her Metal Kitchen series (with more in the works?), she sings, cooks, and gets ready to entertain guests. You’ll find find that she has a quirky sense of humor which is part of what makes her recipe videos, and hopefully cooking the Shepherd’s Pie, a lot of fun.

Much of her work can be found on her YouTube.com channel fronting “The Anchor” (video below) or her “Scream Like a Girl” series of videos, where she adds her vocal to covers of heavy-metal songs in what looks like a small home studio.

As DDBham grows and we expand our content, we are considering including video recipes as they are quite popular, so consider Linzey’s cooking video to be one of the first. You’ll find our written, bi-monthly Chef’s Recipe column featuring favorite recipes from Bellingham-area chefs already on the site.

If you have any suggestions, we would love to hear them. Leave us a comment below. Not registered for our site? Visit our “Sign-Up” page and register which allows you to comment on articles as well as receive our emails (don’t worry, we only send you important stuff).

We’d also love to hear what you thought about Linzey’s version of Shepherd’s Pie if you try it out!

Update: Like Linzey’s “Metal Kitchen Series”? Her YouTube channel says there wil be more coming. To subscribe for more see http://bit.ly/1UCUOfU.